How to Build a Doctor Appointment App for Your Clinic

If your administrative staff spends hours scheduling appointments every day, you’re probably looking for a way to manage appointments more effectively. If you are, it’s reasonable to ask how the world’s top clinics go about solving this problem.

The Cleveland Clinic, one of the biggest and most reputable US medical centers, streamlines appointment scheduling and provides a better patient experience through their MyChart app. In addition to scheduling appointments, patients can use this app to view their full history of appointments, check test results and outpatient progress notes, and chat with a doctor.

Another high-ranking US medical center, the Mayo Clinic, also finds it efficient to manage everything from doctor appointments to medical bills in their app. These are just two examples, but there are many more!

If you’re looking to develop a doctor appointment app, you’re in the right place. Today, we’ll talk about the benefits of this type of app, features to include, the cost of development, and success stories.

6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Allergy Treatment.

Allergies are genuine; though there are various therapies help in avoiding the symptoms. Though it mostly involves physical marks, the likes of asthma also are considered the outcome of allergies. Often symptoms like red eye, nose itching, lower breathing, etc. are witnessed among people with allergies. Primarily, the risks of hypersensitivities can be host related and environmental.

Talking about allergies due to host-based, it mostly occurs due to hereditary reasons. It can be due to sexual reasons as well. Sometimes it is seen among specific races and people of certain ages. To be specific, hereditary causes are mostly witnessed. Genetic factors of hypersensitivities can be though detected early. These allergies are mostly witnessed among the children.

Such children are advised to stay away from the pollutions, and in some case are advised to go for changes in diets. One must know the foods those are more prone towards allergies. To be specific, many people become the victims of allergies due to the foods like soy and eggs. Among others, fish and shellfishes too cause hypersensitivities among many.

In rare occasions, it causes due to wheat and peanuts. Modern-day packaged food has been found to be causing allergies among people. Children give hydrolysed milk become the victims of hypersensitivities. It is thus recommended that one should give such foods only after proper consultation with the dieticians or nutritionists.

Causes of Allergies

There are various reasons behind allergies. Among the most prominent ones, dust, pollens, and infectious agents through air do cause allergies. These particles create symptoms like a reddish eye, nose itching, difficulty in breathing, etc. in the concerned person. In some occasions, the allergens entering the body grow the production of mucus inside the lungs. All these results into frequent sneezing and coughs.

Skin-related allergies are quite common in modern scenarios. Things like latex those come in contact with the skin also do result into allergies. Such conditions are generally known as eczema. It is also termed as dermatitis in medical language. Other than the infectious allergens, allergies can also occur through foods. It sometimes occurs due to the medicine reactions.

To be specific, medicines like aspirin, which is mostly taken among people cause allergies? Taking antibiotics like penicillin may also cause allergies among many. A person suffering from food allergy may come across with symptoms like pains in stomach, vomiting, bloating, etc. Diarrhoea is also witnessed on many occasions. In only a few occasions, it leads towards asthmatic conditions or respiratory diseases.

Signs and Symptoms

Food allergies also cause itches on skin and swellings. Allergies caused due to insect stings may lead towards strategic hypersensitivities, which are also known as anaphylaxis. In later stages of this, it can affect the digestive systems, respiratory organs, as well as the blood circulation system of the body.

By the level of harshness, anaphylaxis often involves symptoms like itches in the skin, various swellings, descending blood pressure level, etc. In extreme cases, it may lead towards coma and rare of the rarest cases it causes the death. The reactions of such may sometimes occur all of a sudden and gradually in some other cases. Similarly, it may get away quickly on some occasions and stay for a prolonged time in some other cases.

Allergies on skins often lead to rashes, which in medical terms are called ‘weal and flare’. It leads towards swelling on the concerned organs in some occasions. Allergies due to insect stings on rare occasions cause swelling and redness of more than 10 cm. These symptoms often go away in one or a couple of days. In some occasions, it appears after immune therapies.

The scope of Homeopathy treatment in Allergies

Emphasis is always given more towards the natural treatments. In this context, the homeopathic treatment for allergies is indeed the most effective towards the hypersensitivities. The best part about the homeopathic treatment is its enduring effect. At the same time, it assures about a permanent solution. One may stay assured about side effects as well; homeopathic treatment for allergies has no side effects. Needless is to say all these are the reasons behind the growing number of people showing interest in homeopathy based treatments.

6 Best homeopathy medicines for allergies

Though there are various homeopathy treatments for allergies available, given below are some of the most preferred ones among those.

Arsenic Album:
People are suffering from issues like watery eyes due to allergies, and those with non-stop sneezing; watery nose along a burning feel should go with the arsenic album. This is considered the best homeopathy medicine for nasal allergy. It can be effective against dust allergies as well.

It is one of the finest ways of homeopathy treatment for allergies against skin allergy. Sulfur is simply fantastic for people suffering from issues of dry skin.

Natrum Mur:
This is also one of the best medicines for nasal allergies and eye allergies.

Pulsatilla, Natrum Carb, and Aethusa Cynapium:
People suffering from milk allergies can find this effective.

Urtica Urens:
People are suffering from allergies due to shellfish, Urtica Urens can find this incredible.

Bromium and Lycopersicum:
Both these are extremely effective ways of homeopathy treatment for allergies against dust allergies. Arsenic Album is also an excellent option.

People who are allergic to hair dyes are recommended to go with Arsenic Album and Sulphur. Natrum Mur and Sepia can be equally effective as well.

The Vital Points You Need to Ensure About Cord Blood Storage Standard

Gone are the days when umbilical cord blood was discarded after the birth of newborns as wastes. Since the high potential of the left-over blood in the umbilical has been proven as a rich source of stem cells that help treat more than 80 serious diseases of the newborn baby and her family members; the tendency of cord blood banking is increasing faster among parents. Precisely, with cord blood storage of your baby in a high-profile and accredited private cord blood bank, you can save your child and potentially your family member from life-threatening diseases like cancer (leukemia-lymphoma), cerebral palsy, blood disorders, metabolic diseases, immune deficiencies as well as autism and more.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the FDA encourages parents to consider cord blood banking that works more than their family insurance. For interested parents, it’s important to note that the process of cord blood storage involves various stages, while proper storing according to the medical guidelines is most important. Especially as you prefer to go for private banking to have your right on the cord blood (choosing public banks is mainly for donation purposes), keep an eye on the following points with diligence.

Stipulated delayed cord clamping time

While the key objective of delayed cord clamping allows the required volume of blood to flow into the umbilical cord of a newborn, the action needs to take place within 30-60 seconds after the baby’s birth. Waiting beyond that recommended time will decrease the potency of the cord blood collected rather than adding any extra volume to it. More upsetting is that beyond that time as blood flow slows down in the umbilical cord, the blood will be at risk of a clot.

Time to reach the cord blood bank

Importance of special transportation of cord blood and time allowed reaching the bank for cord blood storage. First of all, make sure that your baby’s cord blood reaches the cord blood bank within a time window of 48 hours (maximum) from the baby’s birth for the needed lab processing. Notably, both FDA and AABB authority recommends all private banks to maintain the 48-hour window.

Transportation of cord blood standard

Further, never forget to check if your private cord blood bank is equipped with well-insulated and preferably with a temperature logger medical transportation container that protects the kit temperature during the shipment of cord blood. The set protocol is to maintain a room temperature within the range from 15 -25 degrees C or 59 to 77 degrees F). Secondly, banks are recommended to use only medical couriers for shipping cord blood and NOT any general courier service.

The standard certification that private cord blood banks should hold

Parents with plans for cord blood storage in a reputable private bank in the US must ensure that the facility is equipped with two voluntary accreditations which are provided by the FDA and AABB based on inspection of their lab procedures, systems, and uprightness to adhere to the rules and guidelines by the authorities.


Noteworthy that processing before cord blood storage is an integral part of the system. While three primary components of stem cells are segregated through analysis of their characteristics and weight, the pinkish layer referred to as ‘buffy coat’ that contains white blood cells (WBC) is taken into the storage system. The whole procedure is performed in high-tech laboratories and knowledgeable lab technicians or via automated machines.


The procedure of cord blood storage is well-known as cryopreservation. After processing the required stem cells are over-wrapped to prevent them from getting cross-contaminated during preservation. The specimens are taken for storage in a vapor-shaped container of liquid nitrogen at temperatures ranging below -170 degree C or – 274 degree F in cryogenic preservation. The particulars related to parents, family history, and blood samples are stored with full security for future references.

How to differentiate between Nine Types of Ancient Acupuncture Needles?

In Traditional Chinese Medicinetherapy, TCM practitioners use acupuncture needles to stimulate the nerves present beneath the skin surface and eliminate Qi imbalance.

Acupuncture needles may cause a slight pain at the place of insertion and, so the practitioners need to make use of sharp needles to make the treatment comfortable. By choosing the right acupuncture needle, the patient will feel little to no discomfort and still get a solution to his/her problem. Acupuncture needles help in stimulating the immune system, improving blood circulation, and healing the wound.

Did you know there were nine types of acupuncture needles in the ancient days? The “Nine Needles” were first quoted in HuangdiNeijing’sInternal Classic Ling-Shu. TCM practitioners often regarded the emperor Huangdias an influential figure in Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy. Let’s find out more about the collective needling instruments that were popular in Ancient China.

1. Spade Needle (Chan Zhen)

The spade acupuncture needles have a large head with a sharp end. The acupuncture needle is significantly large, and the end part is sharper than other needles. More often than not, the spade needles are ideal for managing the Yang deficiencies such as coldness, clamminess, fatigue, etc. It is common to use the needleswhen the disease fails to stay at a particular place.

2. Round Pointed Needle (Yuan Zhen)

Yuan Zhen is a round-pointed needle with an oval-shaped tip. The Ling-Shu text mentions that it has an egg-shaped tip. Ancient practitioners used it tomassage the rift of the flesh. The needle tip is not ideal for insertion in the skin. On the other, you can use it to put pressure on the skin externally at a specific point (acupressure).

3. Pressure Needle (Ti Zhen)

With a slightly blunt head in the shape of a grain, the pressure needles are similar to round-pointed needles that help with acupressure. The work of a pressure needle is to stimulate qi flow and take care of the imbalances without piercing the skin. The difference between round-pointed needles and pressure needles is their length. Pressure needles are significantly longer than round-pointed ones.

4. Sharp-Edged Needle (Feng Zhen)

The sharp-edged needles have a triangular head for the effortless piercing of the skin. Often, the practitioners used them for treating chronic illnesses. The acupuncture needles are ideal for drawing out blood from the skin. And they help in eliminating excess heat from the body. Similar to modern-day lancets and bleeding needles, there were many benefits to using sharp-edged needles. With an accurate technique, the practitioner can reduce the hardening of arteries, improve insulin sensitivity, eliminate infection, etc.

5. Sword-Shaped Needle (Fei pi Zhen)

The sword-shaped needle, as the name suggests, is very similar to the shape of a sword. If the patient is suffering from an injury that has resulted in pus, TCM practitioners recommend using the sword-shaped needle. It helps to eliminate purulent matter from the wound.

6. Round-Sharp Needle (Yuan Li Zhen)

The round-sharp needle has a unique shape like a spindle. With the instrument-tip being extremely sharp and the head comparatively wider, it is ideal for penetrating deep within several skin layers. Its unique shape helps to puncture the skin quickly and with minimal pain. TCM practitioners used it to balance the qi and increase blood flow in a specific region.

7. Fine Needle (Hao Zhen)

The fine needlesareundeniably thin, like a fine strand of hair. Comparable to the modern-day filiform acupuncture needles, the needling instruments have a sharp tip with a lean body for easy insertion. Experts prefer using them to generate deqi sensation and treat the blockage in the body’s energy flow.

8. Long Needle (Chang Zhen)

Long needles resemble fineneedles, although they are longer than the latter. The length is long enough with a sharp tip for inserting deep inside the skin’s surface. It has a pointed tip and a long cylindrical body totreat deep locations with minimal pain. Nowadays, you will find long needles in varying sizes.

9. Large Needle (Da Zhen)

The large needles have a cylindrical plank with a bit of a rounded tip. The tip of a large needle is less sharp than a fine needle. The needle helps to drain water from the joints and thus, helps in the reduction of swelling. TCM practitioners often use them in the cases of swollen lymphatic nodes.

The ancient practice of acupuncture has evolved. Although all of the nine types of needles are not in use today, several of them are a preferred choice of TCM practitioners for treatment. Fine acupuncture needles are amongst the most-used instruments from the nine needles. Even sharp-edged needles & long needles are in use today.

In addition to them, practitioners now use special auricular acupuncture needles and acupressure magnets. As a TCM professional, it is crucial to understand the patient’s condition and the cause of the illness. Remember using proper type of instruments is essential for quick and safe recovery.